Scenic Spots
1. Trai-bune (wooden tub boat)
2. Ono-game Rock
3. Futatsu-game Rocks
4. Senkakuwan Bay Ageshima Yuen
5. Sunflower Fields
6. Meoto-iwa Rocks
7. Osado Skyline
(1) Trai-bune (wooden tub boat)
Available at: Ogi Port and Yajima & Kyojima
Tarai-bune, wooden tub boats made of barrels, are another Sado institution. Local people still use these traditional vessels for fishing near shore. Hands-on experience is available at Ogi port ,Yajima & Kyojima and Shukunegi. Yajima & Kyojima location boasts a unique attraction, glass-bottomed tub boats, available from April to October. It is located in a small inlet formed by craggy lava. Video Clip
(2) Ono-game Rock
This is one of beatiful spots on the island. The rock has a height of 167m, and local people believe the rock is a place where a deity lives. Arrays of yellow day lilies bloom from May to June. A footpath along the coastline begins from an adjacent small village to Moura Village via Sai-no-kawara. Also see Cultural & Historical Interests, Event and Festival and Futastu-game below. The site is received Two-Star Rating in Michelin.
(3) Futatsu-game Rocks
"Futatsu-game" means "two turtles" because the rocks look like two turtles lying down in the sea. Its sand beach, one of Japan's 55 best beach resorts, is just under your nose. Its clear water is known throughout Japan. Received Two-Star Rating in Michelin. Camping is also available. This picture was taken from the Ono-game area.
(4) Senkakuwan Bay and Ageshima Yuen
Phone: 0259-75-2311
Address: Kitaebisu, Sado Island
Open daily 8:30am – 5:00pm (Closed: December to February)
Boat cruises: mid Mar – mid Nov
Senkakuwan Bay, a designated Scenic Beauty in Sado-Yahiko-Yoneyama Quasi-National Park, enchants with splendid views. Explore underwater wonders on a glass-bottom boat through the marine park. Our digitally renovated aquarium displays marine life from representing nearby waters. Our Agshima Umi Café offers a diverse lunch menu.
Admission: ¥500 for the scenic view, and ¥900 for a 15-min boat cruise (total ¥1,400).
(5) Sunflower Fields
Fields of sunflowers stretch in a beautiful array, overlooking the sparkling blue sea. Local people developed these fields in the vacant space left when their rice acreage was cut down. You will be irresistibly fascinated. The best time to see them is summer.
(6) Meoto-iwa Rocks
According to Japanese mythology, it is believed that the two Shinto deities, Izananagi and Izanami, created the eight large Japanese archipelagos, with Sado as the seventh island. Local people believe the two deities are resting in the Meoto Iwa (Meoto Rock, or the Husband and Wife Rocks). Their auspicious bond is believed to hold the power to grant visitors’ wishes. Not only that, but you can also take in a fantastic view of the Nanaura Kaigan Coast. just south from central Aikawa, it is another spot that gives you a dramatic view on the Nanaura Kaigan Coast.
(7) Osado Skyline