Oct – Nov

Events & Festivals in 2025

Event schedules are subject to change at discretion of event organizers. For updates.

Kodo Autumn Concerts in Ogi (October 11 - October 19)

a) Marine Plaza Ogi (2nd floor of Ogi Tourist Information office)
b) A small group of Kodo’s members will present up-close taiko concerts at 10:30am and 2:00pm on 10/11, 10/12, 10/13, 10/18, and 10/19.  Ticket ¥3,000    Phone: 0259-86-2330  http://www.kodo.or.jp

Onidaiko in Niibo & Flea Markets (October 12 TBD)

a) Sado City Niibo Office parking lots
b) Flea markets and other traditional entertainment exhibitions.

Aikawa Festival (October 19)

a) Aikawa Area
b) Local traditions throughout the day. The climax takes place in the evening.

Ryotsu Flea Market (November 3)

a) Ryotsu shopping arcades
b) The largest flea market on Sado.